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      Get Flawless Results for Facelift Surgery in India

      Facelift- HIFU-ULTHERAPY

      Reinvent your youth with a facelift surgery by Dr. Saraswat

      Gravity, exposure to sun, and stress can lead to the formation of ageing signs on the face. The onset of ageing brings in cell and an extra cellular matrix loss, which requires the restoration of volume as a perfect solution.

      The changing contours of face

      • A babyface is identified by the amount of fat on his/her cheeks and rolls of fat on the neck
      • Adolescence and youth bring in fullness that hides the accumulated fat. This fullness is attributed to the colloidal fluid held tight by hormones, proteins, and hyaluronic acid. These three substances offer fullness and are present in abundance in a young person’s body
      • During the middle age, the fat starts to accumulate on the jaw, throat and above the nasolabial fold, and on the eyelid. The fat becomes more apparent as the fullness acquired in youth begins to diminish. Many underlying components of the face such as the submaxillary gland and the bony skull become more recognisable
      • The cycle completes a full circle when the fat shows up on the elders. Although we often blame it on gravity!

      The right patient for a facelift

      People with sagging face and neck but with skin that has some elasticity and a well-defined bone structure can be the right candidates for a facelift. Generally, the patients are between the ages of forty to sixty, although a facelift can be performed on people in their seventies or eighties too, given that there are no underlying medical conditions.

      What facelift does to a face

      A facelift improves the very visible signs of ageing by removing the bulging fat, tightening the underlying muscles and redraping the skin. It, by no means, claims to completely stop the normal ageing process. A facelift can be done as a stand-alone or in combination with multiple procedures such as a browlift, blepharoplasty or rhinoplasty.

      A facelift strokes liveliness and freshness on a face. It can boost self-confidence and self-image. It, however, does not provide you a different look or bring back the health and vitality of youth. A person must have his/her expectations clear, and may even talk to the surgeon, Dr. Saraswat in this case, before signing up for surgery.

      A handy list of facelift facts

      • The surgery usually takes about 3 to 4 hours
      • General or IV sedation with local anaesthesia is given
      • Length of stay is one day only
      • Patients may experience mild discomfort for the first 24 to 48 hours. They can shampoo and take a bath after 48 hours. Bruising and swelling heal within two weeks. Complete results are visible in 2 to 4 months after total skin contraction.
      • Scars are unnoticeable underneath the hair and creases of facial skin, except for scars behind the ear, which may be visible
      • Complications are possible but rare. There might be complications related to anaesthesia

      The other risks might include: 

      • Hematoma (accumulation of blood beneath the skin, can be cured without harming the results)
      • Skin necrosis can occur at the front or behind the ear and may leave a visible scar
      • Facial weakness due to a facial nerve injury
      • Infection (Chances being lesser than 1%)
      • Temporary hair loss
      • Pulmonary Embolism (Extremely rare but life-threatening)

      Sides to facelift surgery

      EYES: An increase in age triggers fat accumulation around the eyes. Excess skin and fat bring in a feeling of heaviness around the eyes. One might even find it difficult to keep his/her eyes open. Bags appear on the lower eyelids, which give out an appearance of tiredness.

      Blepharoplasty and cosmetic eye surgery can enhance the look around your eyes.

      FOREHEAD: Expression lines or other signs of ageing in the forehead region can be treated with a forehead or brow lift. The brow lift raises the eyebrows and smoothens the forehead giving a relaxed and attentive look.

      CHEMICAL PEEL: In this cosmetic procedure, damaged or aged layers of skin are removed to reveal the newer and softer skin underneath. It treats wrinkles, facial blemishes, skin pigmentation, and melasma (pregnancy marks). The process utilizes Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), and Argipee.

      Types of facelift surgeries conducted by  Dr. Saraswat

      MACS LIFT: The brainchild of Patrick Tonnard and Alex Verpaele from Belgium, MACS or Minimal Access Cranial Suspension technique offers skin rejuvenation like that of a facelift, only with less invasive surgery and a smaller scar. Dr Satya Saraswat attended the CATFAS V (Controversies, Art and Technology in Facial Aesthetic Surgery) meet that had taken place at Ghent, Belgium and was organised by Patrick Tonnard and Alex Verpaele.

      TRADITIONAL FACELIFT: A surgical method of facelift that involves giving subtle incisions right in front of the ears in a way that it remains barely noticeable. The SMAS (Sub Musculo Aponeurotic System) is either stiffened by the SMAS fold or re-sectioned (SMAS Resection), after lifting the facial skin.

      MENDELSON FACELIFT: A technologically advanced technique crafted by Dr Bryan Mendelson from Australia that treats the loose space of face to give it a more youthful look. Although it is more challenging than the traditional facelift technique, it involves minimal distortion or the tightening of facial layers. Thus, it radiates a more natural and fresher look. Dr. Saraswat had attended a Master class in this technique conducted by Dr. Byran Mendelson at the 23rd ISAPS World Congress held at Kyoto, Japan, from 24th to 27th October 2016.

      MIDFACE LIFT: The loss of skin elasticity and the sagging of cheeks and eyes appear with ageing and give out tired vibes. The mid-facelift or cheek lift restores the natural shape of your lower eyelids and cheeks. It corrects any puffiness or bags under the eyes, hollowness in the upper cheeks and prominent nasal folds. This surgical facelift leaves a natural and radiant appearance, and nothing looks overdone.

      Ancillary Procedures with Face Lift- Other procedures like Neck Lift, Nano fat Grafting, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty, Browlift, and Chin Implant can be combined with facelift surgery to achieve overall rejuvenation. Dr. Saraswat offers not only a graded facelift but blue-ribbon facial rejuvenation surgeries to patients worldwide as well.

      Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs): Current Findings and Future Perspectives in Structural Facial Fat Grafting


      The world of plastic surgery not only recognises degeneration as a key sign in facial ageing but also refers to the descent of fat. Nowadays, gravitational ageing has been made a prime target of conventional aesthetic surgeries. This argument of gravity has successfully birthed surgeries like a facelift, brow lift, eyelid correction and laser skin resurfacing to reverse ageing.

      Procedures such as these are based on removing and lifting the excessive, abundant and descended tissues. Unfortunately, there are no animal models for gravitational ageing. The degree of sagging and age-related fibrosis that counteract increased laxity, vary to a great extent among individuals.

      Looking at the results of our efforts to rejuvenate the face, we can conclude that fat removal based surgery is not an answer to total facial rejuvenation. A well-performed facelift surgery may produce an unnatural result instead of a naturally fresh looking rejuvenated appearance. There is more to restoring a youthful look than what faceliting does.

      Fat grafting has gained prominence in recent years. Its importance in clinical practice appeared due to the possible applications in reconstructive, trauma, and aesthetic surgery. Recently, Dr. Saraswat began transferring stem cells, the Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) as a part of facelift.


      • It grows new blood vessels that nourish the fat
      • Release anti-inflammatory agents which supplement in healing
      • Release growth factors that strengthen the survival of grafts
      • Enhance the skin tightening and rejuvenation process
      • No risk of allergies or adverse reaction
      • A cutting edge option
      • The therapeutic goal is the renewal of autologous niches, by merely moving stem cell niches from one connective tissue in which they are rare

      Post Facelift – Aging and Rejuvenation

      • Degeneration or atrophy is the tell-tale sign of ageing and is a tough nut to crack. Rejuvenation is not only about sagging; it also encompasses the essential idea of repainting the natural colours of youth and liveliness aesthetically. It has a big target of rebalancing fat and restoring harmony. Micro-liposuction helps in achieving this target as it sucks the lumps of fat and transfers them to the sunken depressions.
      • A uniform restoration in the facial structure eliminates sharp shadows that appear with ageing.
      • The past and future of rejuvenation reflect in augmentation. It has sunken treasures of possible new developments, such as tissue repair. The assessment of results reveals wonderful prospects of post-treatment changes in the skin quality of the patient, after placing the grafted fatty tissue underneath. Every curve and edge of youthfulness, from contours to skin texture to elasticity, everything restores to a livelier state and colours up for an extended period of time. Stem cells are present in harvested fatty tissues. They might have been successful in repairing the sun-damaged, ageing epithelium.
      • Chronological maturation assigns new locations to the storage of fat in the body. The abundance of fat may weigh down the tissue. In contrast, an area devoid of fat witnesses sinking or downward pressing of the facial skin.
      • A youthful face has a smooth and even distribution of fat. There is a forward projection with sharp facial arcs throwing spotlight to specific areas and creating a minimal shadow.
      • On the contrary, an older face bears mounds and hollows or depression appearing as deep shadows and irregular highlights. In slimmer individuals, these mounds may be minor, but in a majority of middle-aged adults, these follow a pattern through the centre of the face- from mid-cheek to jowl, along the nasolabial and labiomental folds. Fat relocation can also be noticed on the lateral zygoma and submental along the neck. Depressions, on the contrary, occur periorbital in the buccal, malar, and temporal regions and on the cheek laterally.
      • The fat loss marks its presence around the mandible and throughout the forehead to the scalp. The most frequent area of the face to be corrected with autologous fat grafts includes the marionette lines, nasolabial groove, lips and midface. Autologous fat prefers to sit in the midface area considering the longevity compared to other more mobile areas such as lips and marionette grooves.
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